Provider Search Results

Last Update :

Aug 14 2024 4:02 PM
Total 2487 provider(s) found!
# Name Specialty Address City Zip Phone NPI # Gender Action
10Julia Lopez Qualified Autism Prof Provid 2261 Villa Ave Clovis 93612 (559)575-8172 1609377548 F Direction | Export
11Abril Lopez-rufino Qualified Autism Svc Provider 2261 Villa Ave Clovis 93612 (559)575-8172 1821567025 F Direction | Export
12Martin Martin Qualified Autism Svc Provider 2261 Villa Ave Clovis 93612 (559)575-8172 1588159909 M Direction | Export
13Miguel Martinez Qualified Autism Svc Provider 657 Scott Ave Clovis 93612 (877)242-2884 1295311157 M Direction | Export
14Kristen Migirian-tellez Qualified Autism Svc Provider 657 Scott Ave Clovis 93612 (877)242-2884 1629573316 F Direction | Export
15Ana Mijangos Munoz Qualified Autism Svc Provider 657 Scott Ave Clovis 93612 (877)242-2884 1053939843 F Direction | Export
16Katherine Nored Qualified Autism Svc Provider 1420 Shaw Ave Ste 105 Clovis 93611 (559)460-9090 1225481286 F Direction | Export
17Darienne Schmall Qualified Autism Svc Provider 657 Scott Ave Clovis 93612 (877)242-2884 1508361221 F Direction | Export
18Jennifer Soto Qualified Autism Svc Provider 2261 Villa Ave Clovis 93612 (559)575-8172 1003304437 F Direction | Export
19April Torres Qualified Autism Svc Provider 2261 Villa Ave Clovis 93612 (559)575-8172 1619341054 F Direction | Export

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